Friday, September 19, 2014

That Pesky Pastel section

I have written at length about a part of my border that I find quite boring.  Things are beginning to change, though.  Plants are maturing and fulfilling their promise.  They have good, solid shapes.  There is a good flow to the design.  Plus, I have had some surprises.  First, the gaura survived, and it adds a graceful, airy element to the space.  My dahlias are blooming, and one is definitely not a pastel.  A delphinium that I planted in the Spring is re-blooming despite having been unceremoniously pruned by a varmint.

The group in the middle row, center is Chrysanthemum Ajania 'Silver and Gold'.  It isn't blooming yet (the flowers should be bright yellow), and I like it just fine without any flowers.  It has a good, well-behaved shape, and has a noticeable presence in the garden.  Plus, there is good flow.  As your eye moves from front-right to middle-center to front left you are following a path of grayed foliage.  There is no confusion in this scheme.  It is satisfying.

I did not pay much attention to the color of the dahlias when I planted them.  It is usually hot, I am in a hurry, and I always doubt whether they are going to grow or not.  This year, they grew.  One is tall and pink; the other is medium-height and orange with  a yellow center.  Luckily, my delphinium is also blooming.  The blue and orange are complements; I think they go together very nicely.

I like these colors together.

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